Thursday 14 July 2011

Tired but Productive after a Fashion

I got home from work last night absolutely exhausted. It wasn't even a particularly grueling day; nor even a late finish - I was just worn out. SWMBO was out for the evening so I had the lounge to myself (a rare and treasured event - especially with my own choice of background music!) and knowing that painting would not be a good idea I decided to spend the evening sorting through my various electronic files relating to the current naval rules set. I had three versions of the ship specifications on file, together with a couple of versions of the rules themselves and so I spent a happy couple of hours with my netbook checking, chopping and changing the content and also managing to hook up the aforementioned device to my wireless printer.

The end result of all this is that whilst the files are now much tidier I am left with the task of compiling the ship specifications in line with the Jutland-esque rule set I am currently working on. This is not a major undertaking as such - I already have much of the detail usable 'as is' - but having done this exercise on numerous occasions it is beginning to be just a little on the wearing side! I was able to finish the last of the ACW ship collection non-painting tasks though so the evening was relatively well spent in spite feeling like the proverbial limp dishrag.

Incidentally, the music of choice was a selection of Mozart diluted with the soundtrack to Lawrence of Arabia which I can heartily recommend.

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