Tuesday 22 May 2012

Back in the groove and on the horns of a dilemma....Again!

Today is day two of my latest contract and I found out this afternoon that I have made the cut for a permanent role based over near Embankment (actually Charing Cross to be more specific) with another company which is further good news. I have been contracting for just over two years and whilst it is lucrative it is also very wearing as you seem to be permanently on the look out for your next contract! A permanent position then, albeit in a less than convenient location for travel purposes, has much to commend it. The final third round of the interview process is next week and so there may be much to ponder in the Crook household over the next week or so.

Now that I am back in the land of the wage earning masses my thoughts have turned inevitably to the small matter of the outstanding gaming projects that needed a cash injection in order to complete the same. I have given this some thought over the lunchtime period and reckon that the following looks about right and also has the advantage of not being overly expensive.

  • Additional Hexon terrain to cover the new 6ft by 4ft playing table - probably the most expensive outlay and I reckon I would not get much change out of £100.
  • Decals and additional aircraft for Angels 20 - I need another starter set and then a dozen single models for this tranche of the project - four P 40s and eight Italian fighters.
  • Napoleon Returns (the Volley and Bayonet 1815 campaign booklet) and the Spanish expansion for Command and Colours: Napoleonics.
  • Around a dozen Zvezda 1941 German and Russian vehicles and a couple of boxes of Plastic Soldier 15mm support weapons - Russian and German if they are out yet. I was tempted by some of the PSC 15mm Panzer 4s or even the Stug 3s.
  • A couple of Memoir 44 bits - I am missing an expansion and would like to get the second campaign book.
Taken as a whole this is quite a list but individually they are relatively modest. I reckon that as I have just gotten back to work I must be due a little bit of a treat - problem is, which one!?


  1. Treat yourself to all of them David, you deserve it!

  2. Hi Steve,

    I like your reasoning but would struggle to get that past SWMBO I think!

    All the best,


  3. The Hexon would probably give you the most pounce for your pound (is that the right translation of "bang for your buck"?) as it would be useful for multiple games and periods.

    I'll have a look around upstairs, I had Nap. Returns and if I haven't already given it away, its yours.


  4. I concur with Steve, just do it at a stealthy pace :-)

  5. It's funny we seem to be passing in opposite directions ...

    The house upgrade means for me the tightening of the belts for me and attacking the plastic/lead mountain in a pincer movement

    Although those Perry Plastic Knights are hard to resist

  6. I'd sort them in order. Which are you most likely to play with immediately?

  7. Hi CK,

    That sounds an eminently sensible suggestion which sadly I am not usually! Using this idea though it would have to mean the Hexon kit first simply because of its more varied uses. Having said that and from a gaming perspective I suspect that Angels 20 may win out a it needs less work to get to 'fighting trim'

    The Siren call of Napoleonics though is seducing the senses though....;-)

    All the best,


  8. Hi Geordie,

    Trust me, I know all about belt tightening after a house move! Taken individually these are all quite modest really from a cost perspective but I want to make sure that the finances are pointed in the right direction and not just hosed across the 'shiny toy' syndrome as they usually are!

    And yes, those Perry Plastic Men at Arms are lovely.....

    And no, I am not going anywhere near them!

    All the best,


  9. Hi Paul,

    Great idea BUT I have to go through the entire house before reaching the sanctuary of the man cave meaning that the chance of a SWMBO ambush is quite high!

    All the best,


  10. Hi Ross,

    The Hexon upgrade is by far and away the most sensible of the list and will of course mean that the 6 ft by 4 ft can be fully 'hexed' and so usable for all manner of things. I will need to think about this further.

    Many thanks re the offer for Napoleon Returns should it resurface - this is now proving to be an essential part of the whole 1815 project!

    All the best,

