Wednesday 28 November 2012

Random Shots from an Old Wargamer

Stand and deliver! Your money or your life! (With apologies to Adam Ant and the late, great, Diana Dors....because ridicule is nothing to be scared of....)

I have called this post 'Random Shots from an Old Wargamer' (with a passing nod to Roderick Random) simply because I am feeling old and in need of firing off various bits and pieces!

My work situation is still 'up in he air' as I am waiting on a couple of reference checks to be nailed down before I can start work. This is tedious but has to be done....:-(

I have acquired a couple of brown permanent marker pens which will enable me to grid the sheet of 3ft by 2ft hardboard I have that has been earmarked for a desert based Portable Wargame playing area.

I have also tackled something Portable Wargame related which I shall post in due course.

Apologies for the somewhat enigmatic nature of this post but I am feeling a tad fractious and so long and involved prose is simply beyond me at the present.


  1. There was that old Jack Benny routine where he (a notable miser) robber accosted him:

    "Your money or your life!"


    Robber: "Well?"

    Benny: "I'm thinking. I'm thinking."

    -- Jeff

  2. Do you want a grid? Is that a look you like? Otherwise...

    You could do dots. They wouldn't even need to be perfect, that would create a bit more of a random appearance.

    Or how about a drop of glue and some railroad ballast and/or small rocks as corner markers? Maybe some could be clumps of flock or static grass? They would look like part of the desert terrain (kind of).

  3. I hope you feel more like a dandy wargamer/highwayman soon.
    best wishes

  4. Hi Jeff,

    That is really funny! many thanks for that - it cheered me up no end.

    Al the best,


  5. Hi SAROE,

    The grid is a simple and quick solution and I may tackle something super deluxe in due course but for now it will suffice.

    I would like to invest in the desert Hexon terrain in due course - once the work situation has settled down.

    All the best,


  6. Hi Alan,

    No doubt I will soon be back to 'spending cash on looking flash, and grabbing your attention!'

    It is worrying I can quote as much of that song as I can....

    All the best,


  7. David,

    Feeling old? A young sprog like you? Wait until you qualify for your bus pass and Winter Heating Allowance ... then you will have reason to feel old ... like me!

    Seriously, it sounds like you are suffering from mid-Winter blues ... a common problem at this time of year. The solution is simple; get your troops (or blocks out) and fight a wargame! You will soon feel much better.

    All the best,


  8. Hi Bob,

    Funny you should say that....;-)

    All the best,

    DC (trying to be as enigmatic as an Eastern potentate....)

  9. And in the meantime I've ...

    I've nominated you for a Leibster Award:


    I am reading the Jutland literature from the AH game of the name, from the same electronic source as yourself, and I thought it is fascinating as a lead into GQ rule set (as it predates it)

  10. Hi Geordie,

    Many thanks old chap! All the Jutland blurb from the old AH General is really good to read and helps to understand the way the rules reflect the action. Invaluable stuff for the would-be rules writer!

    All the best,

