Sunday 10 February 2013

The 15mm WW2 Plastic Revolution

The new Flames of War starter set - and yes, that is a V1 complete with launching rail....

There seems to be an awful lot of new kit around in plastic - and in 15mm. Even Flames of War have taken a leap into this medium with the new starter set for their WW2 rules. The above caught my eye simply because of the V1 - handily scaled at 15mm which means it would be usable with the Angels 20 aircraft I have - chasing down V1 makes for an interesting game as any Air Force player of yesteryear will testify - for something a little different on a club night.

I was impressed with the plastic content of the above - 8 Shermans, 3 Stug 3s and a pair of PAK 40 anti tank guns not to mention US paratroopers and German grenadiers (complete with plenty of handheld anti tank weaponry) - and the obligatory rules and tables and plenty of dice. Very tempting at £45 I can tell you!

The Plastic Soldier Company of course has a pretty good selection of 15mm WW2 kit and so mixing and matching would be a possibility - added to which are the models available from Zvezda. It would appear to be a good time to get into WW2 in 15mm then but the one thing I would love to see is someone tackling another period in this scale in plastic.

Perhaps I should suggest this to someone....;-)


  1. It is tempting - very tempting - to go down the 15mm-scale route with so many excellent plastic kits and figures now available.

    I must admit to giving it serious consideration, even though I have a shed load of 20mm-scale stuff.

    All the best,


    PS. I just bought five Axis & Allies Miniatures SU-76 models on eBay ... for a total of £2.50 plus postage!

  2. Having originally been brought up on 1/76th/20mm Airfix figures, and having tried 1/300th scale a few (? - many?) years ago, and having also dipped into 15mm back around the 90's, I have to admit:

    WW2 is probably the only scale that consider 15mm to be 'right' for!

  3. The Perrys once did a lovely range of 15mm. 15th.cent. figures, seeing them reproduced in plastic would be an excellent start.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Bob,

    I am thinking that for me the issue is that I will then have to forego making 20mm kits which is a nostalgic link with my early days in the hobby - such hallowed traditions cannot easily be set aside!

    I need to be practical and make sure that the head rules the heart.

    Great find re the SU76s - you seem to be hoovering up some real bargains!

    All the best,


  6. Hi Xaltotun,

    I am fast coming to that very same opinion!

    All the best,


  7. Hi Barry,

    I don't remember those but judging by most of the Perry's output they must have been splendid. I am sure that someone will bite the bullet and tackle other historical periods in 15mm plastic but we will have to wait and see.

    All the best,


  8. If I could think of a reason that justified a 15mm VI launcher I would go for it ... but to be honest I am striggling

  9. Hi Geordie,

    In FOW apparently this is an objective marker so it could easily be used as the same in a conventional - non-FOW game.

    All the best,

