Thursday 18 November 2021

A Pleasant Way to Spend an Evening

 H.M.S. Dragon - Mr Manley will know why!

Yesterday evening I had the pleasure of meeting up for a couple of beers and pizza with David Manley, the well known writer of naval rules, self confessed motor racing addict and collector of assorted wildlife. He also happens to be the Professor of Naval Architecture at UCL in London and a thoroughly nice bloke to boot!

As is his work schedule means that he is in town fairly frequently so it seemed too good an opportunity to pass up and so we arranged to meet in the city. There was also the small matter of passing over the rules I picked up for him at Salute last Saturday.

The conversation was broad and covered many things naval related and gaming stuff more generally and for me it was great to be able to finally thank him in person for the support he has extended me in respect of my ACW ship and rules project. He has given me a number of ideas to think about and as I sat on the train home I thought about all the things I didn’t ask him - but they will be for another time I am sure!

I would like thank Mr Manley for taking the time out to meet up - it was an absolute pleasure for sure and one I hope to repeat soon!


  1. Sounds an excellent evening and just the hobby inspiration and incentive you needed!

  2. You lucky man and what a pleasant way to spend some time

  3. Hello there tradgardmastare,

    It was great fun meeting up and it was certainly an inspiring and incentivising couple of hours! Mr Manley is excellent company and I really valued his time and input into my various projects so it was a real pleasure being able to thank him accordingly!

    All the best,


  4. Hi Graham C,

    Firstly, I hope you are recovering well. Secondly, I am and it was for sure!

    Lots of long filed ideas came screaming and kicking to the fore as a result.

    All the best,


  5. Sounds like a very nice evening and good to be able to do this after so long due to Covid etc.

  6. Very nice. It sounds like an enjoyable time.

    I hoping to make my way across the pond in the future and meet with some of people I follow and David Manley is on that list.

  7. It was indeed a lovely evening and I can't wait to do it again :D

  8. Hello there Steve J,

    It certainly was - on both counts! I was quite surprised at the number of people about in bars etc - it was almost at pre pandemic levels!

    All the best,


  9. Hello Dave S,

    One of the pleasures of the blogosphere is being able to meet friends one has made virtually so when you are ‘across the pond’ there will be plenty of takers to meet up with - I would certainly be happy to!

    All the best,


  10. Hello there Mr Manley,

    What can I say? It was a great evening and I hope the first of many! I have a head full of stuff to go through with over time!

    All the best and thanks once again!


  11. I have met David a couple of times (though some time ago now!), and also operated with HMS DRAGON in the Middle East, so the circle is now complete :-)

  12. DC, When I am ready for the trip, I will be sure to post a message on my blog to look for people to meet.

  13. Hello there Paul,

    ‘The circle is now complete’ - I can imagine you saying that in your best Darth Vader voice! We have also had a couple of good meet ups so when you are next in the UK it would be good to do so again - with Mr Manley as well!

    All the best,


  14. Hello there Dave S,

    Do you have a timeframe you are working to for your trip?

    All the best,


  15. Hi DC,

    Nothing firm yet. We're still waiting to see what happens with COVID over the winter and what, if any, travel restrictions come about. Then I have to talk with my work to come up with a schedule for the time off, since we were looking at spending a week or two on the trip.


  16. Ahh.. HMS Dragon... sailed past her more than a few times as my mates boat is moored just up from her on Whale Island.. I believe there are may be senior officers of the Admiralty not particularly happy with "graffiti" daubed on one of her Her Majesty's ships, and the precedent it sets.. but who knows... ;o)
