Friday 19 January 2024

C.S.S. Tennessee - Mobile at Last!

There she is - C.S.S. Tennessee all set to take on the Union fleet in Mobile Bay

After a largely straightforward build - helped by the somewhat more measured approach I adopted rather than my usual ‘headlong, bull in a china shop’ technique - the Confederate ironclad the C.S.S. Tennessee is ready to join the rest of the collection. As ever the model is more ‘based upon’ rather than strictly accurate but I think she conveys the overall sense of menace that the original ship had. So, the hull is the wrong shape - as are the gun port covers - and she has the earlier pattern naval ensign as well as missing the deck cowl vents (also missing from the other models in the collection!)  but other than that she is good to go! 

‘Purely Representational’ a wise man once said….repeatedly!

As deployed on my hexed cloth

I really enjoyed this build, certainly more than I expected to given the shape of the casemate. She will make a powerful addition to the Confederate fleet and it means that I now have all the Rebel ships for Mobile Bay - the others being the C.S.S. Selma, the C.S.S. Morgan and the C.S.S. Gaines. I could probably rustle up sufficient Union ships for the battle although the ‘lashed together’ wooden vessels may require a little thought, not to mention the Confederate Fort Morgan. 

C.S.S. Tennessee in the van with the C.S.S. Selma following closely. In flanking positions are the C.S.S. Morgan and the C.S.S. Gaines

During the course of this build I have been thinking a lot about the ACW collection and what else is needed for it. The answer is of course, plenty! There are ships I want to model as well as some terrain pieces but in the short term I am thinking around half a dozen more models (three of which are already under construction) and a large fort will suffice. The other bits and pieces can be dropped in as and when the mood takes me. The important thing is that I now have a sufficient variety of models to fight just about anything from the war between the states. 

It is a great place to be in!


  1. Outstanding. I sense that battle is imminent.

  2. HI EG,

    Cheers old chap! Battle would be imminent except I need a larger fort - and yes, I am planning on building one!

    All the best,


  3. David,

    This is an excellent model! It’s certainly one of your best to date.

    All the best,


  4. Hi Bob,

    Thank you kindly sir! I was really not looking forward to making this as I could not work out how best to make the casemate. After messing around with a few sketches beforehand I finally got my head around how do it - and it worked!

    Next up - Fort Morgan!

    All the best,


  5. A fine little squadron, though CSS Tennessee is of course the central and sole subject of the enemy attention...

  6. Very nice indeed David…
    I am looking forward to see does under fire…

    All the best. Aly

  7. A fine outcome there after all your hard work on the modelling front David:).

  8. Hi Archduke,

    She certainly was! I am looking forward to getting her into action - need to build a fort first!

    All the best,


  9. Hi Aly,

    Cheers old chap! It was good building once again and I am also looking forward to getting her on the table and into action.

    All the best,


  10. Hi Steve J,

    Believe it or not but I actually put in a lot of planning on this model (quite unusual for me, I usually make models by the ‘seat of my pants’!) - I had a mortal dread of the angles and the casemate with its built in pilot house.

    It looks pretty good though and I am well pleased it!

    All the best,


  11. Hello there Jim,

    Why thank you most kindly sir! It looks the part and will be in action very soon.

    All the best,


  12. Wonderful warship David, she looks amazing! I am so inspired by your dedication and diligence with this project it’s wonderful. Looking forward to see the fort too of course. Thank you - Quinn

  13. Hi Quinn,

    Thank you sir for your very kind comments! Given that the whole ACW naval thing has occupied around five year I am amazed that I have stuck it out for so long - and that I am still REALLY enjoying it!

    The support and encouragement I have received has really helped me and hopefully long may that continue!

    All the best and thanks once again,

