Sunday 29 September 2024

Another Birthday

I tend to be a little behind the curve in respect of Osprey titles but the arrival of the above could not be more timely! Very helpful having the pertinent information readily to hand rather than trawling through several other volumes. There are a few others in this series that will be added…. 

Yesterday, the 28th of September, was my 64th birthday or as I described it ad nauseam, my ‘Beatles Birthday’. I was spoilt rotten by the family - my son kicked off the day with his delicious scrambled eggs and smoked salmon on toast and the family takeaway dinner - and our tradition is whoever has the birthday chooses the takeaway and so for a change from our usual Indian or Turkish we enjoyed a quite scrumptious Chinese. I was fortunate to receive a wonderful selection of presents. The Memsahib has paid for a massage for me along with a bottle of Bombay Sapphire gin, some aftershave and a pair of slippers. My son got me a sleeve for my new laptop and the four Osprey titles you see in the picture - very useful indeed and certainly timely! From my daughter a new pair of Bluetooth headphones and some nibbles - I am a sucker for Fruit Pastilles and chocolate covered Brazil nuts!

It was a lovely day and I was definitely both moved and humbled by all the good wishes from friends and family.

Meanwhile, back at the modelling table….


Donnie McGibbon said...

Belated happy birthday and it sounds like it was a great day and some super presents from your family.

David Crook said...

Thank you Donnie! It was a great day and I am certainly a lucky chap!

All the best,


Charles Litka said...

Happy birthday, Dave! Sounds like you had a great one. And I trust that you're enjoying your retirement as well.

David Crook said...

Hi Charles,

Thank you kindly old chap! It was a lovely day and I am sure I will be enjoying retirement once I have gotten to the bottom of the DIY list :-)

Seriously though, I have been able to get a few things done and my project list is looking rather healthy.

All the best,