Monday 15 June 2009

1:1 Scale Project

After some three months of redundancy it was inevitable that at some point a question of domestic harmony would need to be attended to - aka some decorating! Despite my best efforts to avoid this the excuses have at last run out! Prior to being given the axe we had managed over the four years we have been at our current address to get the entire house decorated except the kitchen which is now under the brush (and roller). Whilst rummaging in the shed for brushes etc I did discover some very nice green paint that I had forgotten about. It was used on a tabletop cover on my sons pool table and we used it to play table tennis. The green paint is OK despite being about 8 years old and has been earmarked for my gridded gaming surface. the colour is a pretty close match to Humbrol Matt 80 but without the smell..............;-)


  1. It happens to us all mate - just remember that drybrushing and inks dont work as well in this scale!

  2. ........neither does using a 000 sized paint brush on the ceiling!
