Thursday 26 November 2009

Back in the Rat Race...........

I am very happy to announce that after 258 days of unemployment I have FINALLY managed to secure a short term contract back at work in the city -HUZZAH!!!!!!

The job is at a lower level than my previous position but is most welcome all the same. With college coming to an end in respect of my teaching qualification the timing is first class as I will be able to catch up on a load of stuff without the college assignments intervening before I tackle the next stage in January. It also means that I will be able to afford Christmas!

Guess I will need to look long and hard at what I shall be up to on the gaming front. Now, just where did I put that projects list?


  1. Delighted to hear it mate - congratulations!

  2. Cheers old boy! To say I am relieved is probably an understatement!!!!!

  3. What excellent news! I am very pleased for you ... even if it is only a short-term contract initially.

    All the best,


  4. Congratulations! The real world certainly is a miserable place right now - nice to hear some good news.

  5. Thanks Bob - the timing was great!

    I need to get a shed load of chores out of the way beforehand though!

  6. Cheers Carew - It came out of the blue so was very welcome - it may only last until January but is worthwhile even so - it looks better on the CV!

  7. Congratulations!!!

    Now there's an early xmas present for you, eh?


  8. Congratulations Ogre, should definitely help in the run up to Christmas - and don't focus so much on the time it will take up, rather on the extra pennies it will generate that you can put aside for new miniatures!

    Well, done, and welcome back to the rat race......

  9. Hi SoS and CWT, The timing was outstanding and the early Xmas prezzie is very welcome so I am extremely pleased! Many thanks for the good wishes and rest assured, I shall not be neglecting either the blog or the project list, or the remaining college assignments etc, etc.......!!

  10. Very Good news

    I am glad that you're back on track, unemployment is unsettling and I hope you have not had too much in the way of stress

    Nice to see signs of Green Shoots in the economy.

    Best Wishes

  11. Cheers FoG - I am not sure about the green shoots though! More like a creeping algae..............;-)
