Sunday 24 January 2010

What a Fantastic Idea!

Steve Blease - Victorian Science Fiction gamer, designer and all round good egg has come up with an absolute peach of an idea for making a 1/1200th scale town/village/city using various sizes of plastic sprue and a large dose of imagination. The result is in the picture above and it looks so good I had to post it on my blog! The model was designed as a target for use with Wessex Game's VSF air rules called Aeronef (Steve is one of the authors of these rules - the other being Matthew Hartley) which are scaled at around 1/1200th. The scope of this idea is such that I have already considered numerous mini building projects to fit in with my 1/3000th naval stuff as well as the Aeronef and Land Ironclads. Also, my much mentioned (but still to be tackled) 2mm Sci Fi set up designed around OGRE would certainly benefit from a similar technique.
You can see this and many other goodies on his blog:
A great idea and really well thought out - very well done Mr Blease!!


  1. It has certainly given me much food for thought for my own projects and is such a ridiculously simple idea - like most of the best ones I guess!
