Thursday 15 April 2010

The Scale of my Balkan Despair (is 28mm)........

Oh Woe, Woe and Thrice Woe! The last thing I needed to see was this website for reasons which will become blindingly obvious if you take a look at the site. I was absolutely gobsmacked when I saw what was on offer and suddenly 15mm does not look quite so attractive anymore!

The Balkan Wars range that they produce is pretty much complete in its coverage and the figures look really nice. I was also taken with the page devoted to the organisation of the Balkan Armies and the description of an action fought using the said figures.

There are also some other nice goodies on the site – Colonial Germans, Americans and assorted others so if 25mm is your scale then give these a good look, cry into your drink and then reluctantly go back to the mass of metal you already have for the period!

C’est la vie I suppose (through despairingly gritted teeth!).


  1. Hi Ogre,

    I, too, have become interested in the Balkan Wars, but I went for a larger scale: I've been wanting to do a "toy soldier" set up in a period I had never ventured into before (like I needed another iron in the fire) and browsed the Irregular Miniatures site. Their 42mm Toy Soldier-style Balkan War miniatures fit the bill exactly. I was hesitant about ordering from the UK (postage and all), but IR's prices were so good, even with the flabby dollar, that I took the plunge. Ian was a great pleasure to do business with, and I now have Turks and Bulgarians. I'll be using Table Top Battles, after reading about them on Bob Cordery's blog. Naturally, I'm already thinking about my next order...

  2. Hi Chris,

    Wow! I would love to hear how you get on with 42mm for this with Bob C's rules - any chance of some pictures when ready?

    All the best,


  3. Hi again,

    I was wondering what style the average building would be? Would I be able to model my stuff using Eastern Front-type patterns? (I'm assuming there is little-to-none terrain in 40mm scale, thus forcing me to make my own.) I've done image searches for the Balkans and get mostly Chamber of Commerce-style photos of how modern Bulgaria is; and the photos on Balkan War websites tend to focus on the troops (naturally) and show little by way of built-up areas.

    Any advice?


  4. Hi Chris,

    I have not goten to the buildings stage of my 15mm Balkans project yet but was thinking along similar lines using eastern European peasant style dwellings. For the scale you are gaming in then making your own buildings etc will be obligatory I would think although blowing up a suitable picture to size and then printing the result and sticking it to a hollow card square is perfectly usable.

    I will be very interested to see how you get on and in the meantime check out for some inspiration.

    All the best,

