Thursday 10 June 2010

Axis and Allies: War at Sea - Condition Zebra

I finally managed to acquire my 6 and only booster sets for the above expansion - any further needs will now be met via the ebay route or from other enthusiasts - and the results were a little disappointing. For my own collection I managed to source an R class battleship - Royal Sovereign in her Russian guise (that is of little difference as she will be serving in the RN fleet), the Italian cruiser Trento, the German cruiser Nurnburg, a Narvik class destroyer, a pair of Italian submarines, a Greek submarine, a Sunderland flying boat, two Witt de Withe Dutch destroyers, a German Fi 167 torpedo bomber and the Finnish coast defence battleship Vainamoinen.

There was a lot of Pacific stuff now happily residing in the collection of Mr.Fox who was very pleased to see both the Lexington and the Junyo; together with a brace of Corsairs and assorted other Pacific miscellany. HMS Victorious and the pair of Tribal class destroyers went to Pat and so her collection continues to grow as well. Mr Kightly also acquired a pair of Dewoitine D520 fighters for his French fleet.

The disposal of all the excess 'kit' has thus trimmed the overall expenditure to less than half the shop price and thus compares very favourably to having dealt on an individual basis for the models. Both Mr.Fox and Pat are acquiring some booster packs of their own and so I expect further wheeling and dealing in due course.


  1. A wargaming trading ship version of the trading card game "swaps"

    The Finnish Coast Defence Battle ship bwing the eye-catching one to me :)

  2. Hi Geordie,
    The Finnish ship is quite a nice model but I am unsure what I will do with it! The trading part of the game has proven to be quite helpful in amassing our collections as there is an almost unspoken agreement amongst my circle that ships belonging to a particular players navy are offered to them on a first refusal basis. Mr Fox for example favours the Pacific so anything for that theatre I get goes to him in the first instance for either exchange or cash.

    Ebay is the last refuge of the unwanted kit after such horse trading!

    All the best,

