Tuesday 31 August 2010

Beau, you must be Gesting..............

I arrived home after an exhausting day at work safe in the knowledge that it would not be getting easier as the week unfolds. I was therefore, very pleased to see that Amazon had delivered my copy of Martin Windrow's 'Our Friends Beneath The Sands - The Foreign Legion in France's Colonial Conquests 1870-1935'. This is a great doorstop of a tome and is destined to become a classic judging by all the rave reviews.

I will report in full later but this promises to be a top drawer read and full of inspiration as the desert campaigns of the Legion are superb wargames raw material. There are lots of maps and photographs and the Legions involvement in Indo China is also covered for a change, not just the Sahara.

It looks like I shall be busy then.............;-)


  1. Sounds nice - a new project potentially? Also, good luck with the rest of the week in 'the real world'!

  2. This looks good- looking fwd to your review!

  3. Hi CWT,

    Not so much a new project - more like stoking up a very old one! The week has not improved either so I am hoping the weekend will compensate!

    All the best,


  4. Hi Tas,

    For sure - this will be one to savour methinks!

    All the best,

