Sunday 21 November 2010

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Wargamers....Part 2

Due to unforeseen domestic circumstances my planned play test of my version of Memoir of Battle at Sea involving the Turks and Russians still has yet to take place. My weekend chores took a little longer than anticipated and so the available gaming time was greatly reduced - so much so that I am seriously considering scaling the size of the forces down to ensure that I am able to complete it in less time than I originally intended. The third attempt is tentatively scheduled for next Sunday all being well. It is frustrating but it has given me a chance to catch up on some other tasks that needed attention - not least of which was downloading into my Sony reader some 28 books from Project Guttenburg including the complete works of Sherlock Holmes amongst others.

Three historical non fiction titles also came into my ebook collection - The Malakand Field Force and The River War by Winston Churchill and The Balkan Wars 1912 - 1913 by Jacob. Plenty of reading material then so I am pretty happy with that and it made up for the lack of the game.


  1. With regard to the audio books, you have found an absolute treasure - the Holmes are superb and Mark Smith has done a magnificent job on The River War.

    You're in for a treat.

  2. Hi Conrad Kinch,

    I was so pleased to get my 'IPod for books' and finding all this free stuff is like Christmas on a daily basis! I have Holmes in both hard and soft back but having it all as an ebook is so convenient for the daily commute. I have not read the River War (only Malakand) but am looking forward to that. Hopefully it won't be too inspirational....;-)

    All the best,

