Thursday 9 December 2010

Big Bad Benton....Part 3

I realise that the picture above looks nothing like the Benton but I could not resist it anyway. The picture is of the Ellet Ram 'fleet' and these ships (or very similar) will be next on the agenda after the various casemate ironclads I am building have been finished. I am really looking forward to making these and they will be make a pleasant change from the angled casemates etc I have been contending with. I think around twelve models will be needed and I have four basic designs in mind - all of which have been cunningly selected for ease of manufacture!
As for the Benton, she has had her casemate fitted and so her and the three Cairo class gunboats are now all at the same stage of fitting out. I will be readying these for painting at the weekend and in the meantime I need to give some thought to the names I will be giving the vessels.
I am thinking beyond the ACW for modelling projects going forward and have a number of ideas I would like to tackle - more of which in due course.

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