Friday 24 December 2010

Seasons Greetings to One and All!!

I know it is a little on the early side but I suspect I shall be rather busy tomorrow; opening presents, causing mayhem in the kitchen and no doubt imbibing in a seasonal glass or three! I would like to take this opportunity then, of wishing everybody a very merry Christmas and a happy, peaceful and prosperous 2011!
In the immortal words from one of my favourite novels: 'God bless us, everyone!'


  1. Likewise David

    Have a good Xmas and New Year

  2. Cheers Chaps!

    Easy on the mince pies, turkey and Christmas puddings though!

    All the best,


  3. And to you mate, though I had finished my bog Chrissy dinner and was asleep before St Nic came to visit you!

  4. I am curious - a 'bog' Xmas dinner - is that some weird antipodean festive dish?

    Only kidding - make sure you take plenty of mince pies on your trip!

    Happy new year,

