Thursday 2 December 2010

Somewhere in the Black Sea....The Rules

For the recent play test of the same name I was of course using the Memoir of Battle at Sea rules I have been working on. I am currently on the fourth draft and am bound to say that they are pretty close to being ready. The recent game serve to highlight a number of very minor issues - more concerned with clarification than anything else so this is in hand whilst I am currently at home nursing a wretched sore throat and chesty cough and carefully avoiding anything connected with venturing out into the acres of snow we have at present!

I will have the opportunity to catch up on a number of other things whilst at home - namely finishing off the casemate ironclads prior to tackling the next batch. Using plastic strip for the fittings is certainly a big help and thus far I have had no major problems with it. The models will need to sealed prior to undercoating and painting and I intend using a coat of diluted Unibond for this. Once this has dried the models can be based and painted.


  1. David,

    Sorry to hear about your cold. I have been going to work as normal in spite of the terrible road conditions in places, but today we were allowed to go home early to 'work from home' becuase the school was shut (it is expected to be open again tomorrow!).

    MOBAS sems to be moving on apace, and you seem to have 'cracked it'. The battle reports were a joy to read, and I look forward to reading more in due course.

    All the best,


  2. Hi Bob,

    We have roughly 10 inches of the fluffy stuff although the train services are are OK. The cold has given me a good excuse to avoid walking about in the awful conditions we have at the moment. It looks nice through the window with a blazing radiator and a glass of something warming!

    Many thanks for your comments re my version of MoBaS and the battle reports - as you may have guessed I enjoy this aspect of the testing as much as the game itself!

    All the best,

