Tuesday 8 March 2011

A Moment of Pure Indulgence

This is going to be a piece of pure self-indulgence and for no tangible reason other than the fact that I really like the look of the vehicle in question. I am of course talking about the Airfix kit of the Vickers Light Tank seen in the picture above. I have acquired a pair of these because I really fancied making up a kit again and the subject is an unusual one to be sure - a world away from the more usual Tigers, Panthers and later war kit. I had promised myself I would tackle a vehicle kit once the first batch of ACW ships had been built so these two models will fit in nicely between ironclad painting sessions.
I am not sure what I will use the end results for although I seem to recall Donald Featherstone featuring a 1930's punitive North West Frontier expedition in one of his books (I am not sure which one so if any readers can help in this respect I would appreciate it!) so that may be an idea. I am not sure what figures I could use for this; nor is my knowledge of the period sufficient for the task but that minor consideration has never usually stopped most wargamers I know of from flying off on a new project!
There is also the old standby of the desert in WW2 or even the campaign against Vichy in Syria - Vickers Light Tanks and Renault FT 17s - whats not to love?
Joking aside I am not intending taking this anywhere at the moment other than to enjoy the exercise of making up the kits but as to the future, who knows?


  1. Wargames campaigns I think - he suggested 8th Army figures versus Airfix Arabs.

  2. Hi CK,

    There is a plastic soldier event next month not far from me so I may well have to check these out as a possibility. From tiny acorns do mighty wargames projects grow....;-)

    All the best,


  3. I actually went in search of Wargames Campaigns and found it. Unfortunately my wife then appeared and demanded I pack for the house move. Women have no sense of priority.

    I do recall there being a special rule whereby the afghan player could drop "boulders" (balls of plasticine) on the British troops killing any he knocked over.

  4. Hi CK,

    That sounds fairly dangerous - it takes me long enough to paint figures as it is without the threat of aerial plasticine bombardment! I will try and look a copy out of DFs book for some further inspiration so many thanks for your help - and please extend my apologies to your wife for distracting you!

    All the best,


  5. David,

    The Vickers and the Renault could also be used in British Civil War scenarios set in the 1930's. Not my cup of tea personally, but Bob Cordery (and others of course) have been looking at that a lot.

    Best regards,


  6. Hi Chris,

    1930's 'imagi-nations' seem to be slightly fashionable at the moment for the very reasons you mention i.e. VBCW - and it is a fertile field to explore. Certainly the VLT would be useful - as would the Renault and this is something under long range consideration within my own collection - Balkrunia and Karagoz would certainly appreciate some armour!

    All the best,

