Saturday 14 May 2011

Let the Painting Begin - Finally!

At long, long last I have finally started the painting for the ACW naval collection. the first step being of course, the undercoat. Now I prefer to use a white undercoat and so, courtesy of a large cardboard box being used as a spraying booth, I have spray undercoated all 50 ships. The models were mounted on a large piece of the said cardboard box using sellotape. As the models are so light in weight I needed to make sure that the spray would not be blowing them all over the place when applied. It worked a treat - in fact you could hold the tray sideways and nothing moved - as I found when I had to negotiate the patio doors! I used the Army Painter white primer and it worked very well albeit a touch on the smelly side (and probably wasted on the models if truth be told - it is better for figures!). I shall be giving the models a second spray undercoat in the morning, just to give them a thorough finish, and so I should be in a position to start the 'proper' painting tomorrow evening.

I will painting the collection in four batches - the first of which will be the Confederate casemate ironclads.


  1. God's speed, Sir, God's speed to you.... :-)

  2. Hi SoS,

    I must confess to having mental swallow as I surveyed the vast armada before me - all neeeding some tlc with a paintbrush!

    Onwards and upwards they say!

    All the best and great to have you back,

