Sunday 5 June 2011

Abstract ACW and Napoleonics - Grid Based

Whilst catching up on my emails and general Internet based stuff after my holiday I came across the following game company:

I have not seen or heard of this company before but was very intrigued by the concept of the abstract ACW game they produce called Squares. The rules are available as a free download and the website also has examples of gameboards constructed by players as well as hints on how to produce your own armies - including a 'no figure' option.

The company also produce 'Gamekits' for various old SPI, Columbia Games and Avalon Hill board games that are available for free - these are usually clarifications or optional rules.

I am always interested in grid based wargames and so may be tempted to try this out by merely griding a sheet of paper to begin with, just to see how it works. There are no dice or chance elements involved so the games appear almost chess like which may or may not be a bad thing. In my experience luck in a wargame is always both good and bad - if it is good for you then it will probably be bad for your opponent!

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