Sunday 12 June 2011

Finding My Way Back to the Business in Hand....ACW Painting Part 13

After a two week break (well nearly three if truth be told) tomorrow evening will see the resumption of the ACW paint-fest. First up will finishing off the city class gunboats, the Benton and the Essex. These do not need a lot of work to be ready so I am hoping to have these ready and based in time for next weekend. Then it will down to the remaining 32. Originally I had hoped to have these finished by the end of June but to be realistic it is more likely to be mid-July.

Rather unusually for me I have actually missed not painting anything these last few weeks so it will be good to get back into the groove again.

Luckily the delay to completing the ACW collection will not have too much impact on the Balkans project and now that my rules of choice for this period are complete I will have no excuse for not pressing on with the armies in question!

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