Saturday 18 June 2011

"Ohhhh.....Benton and Essex!"....ACW Painting Part 17

Benton and Essex - sadly with no government health warning

The first two of the current batch of nine models are now finished and so I would like to introduce the USS Benton and the USS Essex. Their squadron mates - the city class gunboats - are currently awaiting their funnels bands and then they to will be able to challenge the Rebels for control of the Mississippi.

I used a much darker grey for the metalwork - Humbrol Matt 79 - which will also be handy for the early war German vehicles for Operation Barbarossa when I get around to that (next year!). I have black washed them and dry brushed some Games Workshop Bolt Gun Metal on the casemate angles and gunports. I am rather pleased with these, especially the Essex as I had to carve out the rounded section of her casemate and it came out pretty well. Benton is big and she looks very imposing alongside the rest of the squadron although she was slower than all the rest (but "Plenty fast enough to fight with!").

The city class will on the blog tomorrow - I have cheated slightly with these as I had a change of heart in connection with the funnel bands. These are now printed off on sticky labels with the correct colours and will placed rather than painted.

The title for this post was a play on the old TV advert featuring Penelope Keith for a particular brand of cigarettes; no prizes for guessing which ones.....;-)


  1. great job mate - love the eatering and the clear basing came out a treat! Great stuff indeed!

  2. Great looking ships - can't wait to see the rest.

  3. Hi Paul,

    Thanks pal! I was a little unsure about the clear plastic basing but it has really grown on me now.

    At last the Rebels have some opposition!

    All the best,


  4. Hi Mosstrooper,

    Cheers old chap! Rest assured there are a lot more of these to come! The entire collection is 50 ships strong and I have not even tackled the Gulf end yet!

    All the best,


  5. DC

    Very nice. I really like the bases, you've got me thinking!


  6. Hi Peter,

    They look good but as mentioned, I was really unsure about using these to begin with but they have grown on me. The plastic is a little irritating to use though!

    The big advantage is the fact you can use anysurface and the models instantly fit in.

    All the best,


  7. DC

    Remind me again - what material did you use (sorry academic moment here and I know you've told me before)? I tried to find clear plastic at a couple hobby shops, including a very big one in Vancouver last month. But no dice, well they have dice but not the right sort of plastic as far as I could tell.


  8. Hi Peter,

    The material I used was described as 'transparent plastic card' although the plastic is not quite the same material as the more usual plastic card. It is rigid but feels more like polythese - certainly when you file it anyway! I acquired mine from the following place:

    Hope that helps.

    All the best,


  9. In fact en-masse them look brilliant :)

  10. Hi Geordie,

    Many thanks sir!

    That is exactly the 'look' I am going for - the 'en masse' effect!

    I am looking forward to mixing in the rams and gunboats etc - Plum Point here I come!

    All the best,

