Tuesday 21 June 2011

Rams and Gunboats....ACW Painting Part 19

Well the next 16 models are under the brush - without the funnels - and so this evening I painted the decks. I did intend using a variety of shades for them but have gone with what will be the standard colour for each side - Humbrol Deck Plank for the Confederates and Mast Oak for the Union. Most of them will be pretty straightforward to paint - the only challenge will be the Peter Pig deck guns on all of the Confederate vessels and the stern wheel on two of the Union vessels.

I have not yet decided how to tackle either of these but am leaning at the moment towards a black undercoat on both the guns and the stern wheel and then drybrushing the appropriate colour over the top. The guns will be good practise as I plan to make use of some of the Peter Pig 3mm troop blocks for the land aspect.

I will also be making use of my new 'printed details' technique using the clear plastic address labels so it should be an interesting experience.


  1. Looking forward to some more pictures :)

  2. Hi Geordie,

    Dont worry on that score - pictures will be forthcoming when they are ready!

    All the best,

