Sunday 18 September 2011

Don't Block me now, I'm having such a good time....

It has been a busy weekend on the domestic front with domestic chores featuring prominently. To begin with SWMBO and I had to acquire some bits and pieces for our current en suite bathroom - paint and such like - as well as sundry items for my daughter's forthcoming school trip to France. This entailed much travelling around but fortunately we were able to buy pretty much all that was required for her.

Whilst this was going on I was able to have a quick visit to the Works in Basildon and noted that they have now restocked with the Jenga blocks I have been using for the current project and so I quickly acquired a further three boxes. I also spun past the Basildon branch of Past Times whence I acquired another couple of the Town in a Bag wooden buildings. I now have more than enough of these for my needs and they look fine alongside the blocks.

On the subject of the blocks I have managed to complete all the 20th century weapons and one set out of the three sets of vehicles. As I now have sufficient quantity of blocks due to the recent purchase I am now also going to produce a set in light Khaki and an irregular set. The irregular set is designed for use as Zulus, Madhists, Arabs and Afghans and the blocks will be multi coloured (meaning they will feature white, brown and black) to represent the irregular look I am after. I will have two complete sets left over and these I have earmarked for something naval related - more of which later.

Whilst we were out on our travels SWMBO also surprised me by acquiring something rather special for my impending birthday - meaning that the 6 sets of Sink the Bismarck can be drooled over as soon as they arrive as they are not now my birthday present! This means though that my hobby budget for this month and the next has been well and truly blown out of the water as I am now paying for the 6 sets. I don't mind though as it is worth it!

I cannot tell you what my 'surprise present' is yet but suffice it to say I will be a very happy chap on the 28th September and will probably be detained in a galaxy far, far away for quite some time....;-)