Tuesday 6 September 2011

Jane's Fighting Ships 1914

Hurrah! After looking for what seems like an age I have finally managed to source a copy of the 1914 edition of Jane's Fighting Ships - at least the red covered David and Charles reprint. It is currently winging it's way to me from the wilds of West London so I will report further as and when it lands in  my lap.

I want to acquire a copy of the 1919 edition to add to the 1914 and the 05/06 copies I own thereby giving me a nice spread of coverage. Should I also manage to source a copy of the 1906 to 1921 Conway's (which I am on the lookout for) it will mean that my naval reference library for warships will be in pretty good shape from 1860 to 1921 - which in turn will help with the Jutlandised naval rules I have been working on.

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