Sunday 9 October 2011

Man Cave 2 - Where Pigeons Dare.....

At long last - Mine, all mine....

At last my relocation to the loft is now complete and so Man Cave 2 is officially open for business! I am really pleased to at last be in my own den - safe in the knowledge that once the hatchway is closed all is safe and secure and more importantly - all in one place! The room is not complete at this stage though as I need to source a drop leaf table from somewhere for gaming on. I have a small 3ft by 2ft table that could be used for small games but obviously something more substantial would be needed for by preferred 12 x 8 Hexon based games. This is a small disadvantage at the present but is certainly not one I shall complain about!

The work station - no excuse for not getting any painting done!

All of the units you see come from IKEA from their IVAR range and our house has acres of the stuff dotted around. It is cheap and can be configured in a variety of ways and so is ideal for a gaming collection. Floor space is pretty generous and measures 18ft by 10ft so fitting the aforementioned gaming table will not be a problem although the drop leaf variant will be he ideal solution.

1805: Austerlitz by Robert Goetz published by Greenhill Books (ISBN 1-85367-644-6)

We had a flying visit to Lakeside shopping centre to day and my disappointment at seeing the legendary Airfix Sink the Bismarck set on sale in Modelzone was more than offset by the acquisition of three books from the Works (home of the legendary sets of blocks I have been using). Two of the titles are for Xmas but the one that wasn't I was really pleased to get and for an absolute song - £3.99. The book in question is by Robert Goetz and is about that most famous of Napoleon's victories: Austerlitz 1805. There is not a lot to be said about the book other than the fact that it is an ideal wargamer's title - maps, biographies, orders of battle, plans and all the detail associated with the campaign all presented in a readable and pacy style.

Well I have got to fill up the empty space on the bookshelves somehow....;-)

PS 'Where Pigeons Dare' refers to the view from either of the two loft roof windows - one overlooks the low level roof of our lounge extension which, when the sun is high, is the preferred roost of one of our three cats. A pair of pigeons have taken to preening themselves on the said roof and so it will only be a matter of time.....


  1. looks good !, wish my wargaming space was as tidy !.

  2. David,

    Very nice indeed!

    Once your new table is in situ you will be able to game to your hearts content.

    All the best,


  3. Ahh...excellent work David, how I envy you - 'vith zis man cave you are spoiling us...' ;)
    Nice one,

  4. Hi Bob,

    I have so many ideas to explore and now have the space to be able to do so. Really pleased and the hunt for the table is now at DEFCON 6!

    All the best,


  5. Hi Mosstrooper,

    I shall try to keep it tidy but you know how it is!

    All the best,


  6. Hi Monty,

    The sore knees and backache of the last few weeks whilst I have been realising the dream have been well worth it!

    All I need is a beer fridge and a microwave and I need never leave the place - ablutions etc aside....;-)

    All the best,


  7. Very very nice space. It can't be a cave, you've got light!


  8. DC

    For my money, the best book on Austerlitz is by Christopher Duffy.


  9. Hi Peter,

    The light is absolutely glorious so I suppose it could be classed as a mountain top retreat instead!

    I read the Duffy book years ago and was very impressed with it - I may have to see if I can squirrel a copy up from somewhere.

    All the best,


  10. great stuff, well worth waiting for! To complete the setup I recommend a small bar fridge to, um...stop your green stuff from going off!

  11. Hi Paul,

    It is in hand - together with the microwave! I think that perhaps a dumb waiter may be an idea although getting someone to fill it with comestibles may be problematic....;-)

    All the best,


  12. Don't use the phrase "dumb waiter" around SWMBO mate - it could go horribly wrong!!!

  13. Nice pad :)

    Very roomy
    I have but a painting cabinet and "distributed" storage arrangement by way of contrast ;)

  14. Hi Paul,

    Good point well made! I shall tread carefully in that case!

    All the best,


  15. Hi Geordie,

    It is not perfect but having everything in the same room is such a convenience. The biggest 'pro' for me though is without a doubt having all the library out rather than half in boxes. I seemed to spend a lot of time cycling books between the limited amounts of space I had and cardboard boxes!

    All the best,


  16. That looks sucpisciously tidy - but I'm sure it won't last! Most of my toys also live on IVAR racking - it's good stuff.

  17. Hi Tim,

    Funnily enough it probably will last - at least until I get my drop leaf table in any event! IVAR is a good range and we have used loads of around the house.

    Strange to relate but I now have this urge to paint some figures....;-)

    All the best,


  18. Congratulations!

    I'm noticing a worrying lack of prints though...

  19. Hi CK,

    Thus far I have but a single military print - a very nice rendition of a charging French Spahi supplied by Mr Fox. This is an issue I tend to resolve in due course as there is some rather useful wall space that is in need of livening up.

    All the best,

