Friday 20 January 2012

Megablitzed and a lot More

For me one of the great joys in writing a blog is the contact with other kindred spirits and the exchange of ideas, comment and observation that such a relationship brings. In many cases this is the precursor to establishing long term genuine friendships above and beyond the mere comment on a post. An added bonus is of course that such long distance contact sometimes results in a face to face meeting and I have been singularly fortunate in that I have managed to meet a number of people via the blog that perhaps I may not have had the chance to ordinarily.

So it was yesterday in which I had the pleasure of lunch with Tim Gow of megablitzandmore fame in the West End of London. Tim was in town on business and suggested meeting up for a chat and lunch etc which I had readily accepted and so was delighted to meet face to face to discuss numerous topics of mutual interest aka war games many and varied!

The two hours flew by and during that time the conversation ebbed and flowed and touched on Fletcher Pratt, painting techniques, Funny Little Wars, Megablitz, the advantages of having a dedicated war games space, Tradition, COW and COWs past and present (the annual Conference of Wargamers), WD (no, not WD 40, this being Wargames Developments), Funny Little Wars, my appalling timing in booking a holiday to miss COW 2012 (point noted and borne in mind for 2013!), 1/6000th versus 1/3000th as a scale for naval games, gamers we have known and their legacy, H.G. Wells and the forthcoming centenary of 'Little Wars', Funny Little Wars and the joys of using firing artillery in a wargame.

Oh and Funny Little Wars.

....And King Boris III and the Forbodian Army.

It is always a pleasure for me to be able to ramble on our hobby to a like minded individual and the experience was one that I hope to repeat next time Tim is in town - with the proviso that we discuss Funny Little Wars as I am quite sure his campaign of subliminal suggestion may have planted a seed of some kind.

"You cannot escape your destiny...."

As an added and unexpected bonus Tim also presented me with a very eclectic selection of 1930s 1/1200th aircraft from Hallmark which will be adorning the Fezian Naval Air Service in due course.

It was a great day albeit far too brief and I should like to extend my thanks to Tim for lunch (next time on me) and for the occasional mention of Funny Little Wars.....;-)


  1. It is good to talk to fellow afficinadaos in person,cyberspace or even on paper.I sometimes wish for campaigning by letter- anticipation of the letter,stamps from foreign climes etc... yet the new technology has sooo enhanced the hobby.

  2. Bravo! Reminds me of another quality day in London talking about wargaming!

  3. Hi Tradgardmastare,

    Absolutely - and I echo your comments about the post!

    All the best,


  4. Hi Paul,

    Now that a day to remember and no mistake!

    All the best,

