Tuesday 3 January 2012

A Painful Choice - But The Logical One!

'Were I to invoke logic, however, logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few'

I have been very fortunate in respect of Christmas presents this year and no mistake. An unexpected present though, was an Airfix 1/600th scale model of HMS King George V. This I received yesterday with the instruction that should it not be the kit I required I could happily exchange the same (the receipt was provided for this very purpose) with no problem. As a rule I do not like to exchange presents unless I absolutely have to - usually the wrong size or such like - because of someone has gone to the trouble of buying you a gift then the least you should do is to enjoy it as such. However, in this case, and after careful consideration, I reluctantly decided to do the deed and exchange the same for something of far more immediate use.

Don't misunderstand me as I would absolutely love to make a model warship in this scale (Fletcher Pratt anyone?) but such an undertaking assumes the halcyon state of affairs whereby I have nothing else to do in the meantime which of course is usually extremely unlikely!

So I made my way to Model Zone at Holborn at lunchtime and exchanged the larger kit for a 1/1200th Duke of York and another Airfix Sink the Bismarck set (coughing up the cost shortfall) which will be a whole lot more useful in the short term. Gaming with 1/600th scale models is a very attractive idea but is a little off the wall even by my admittedly esoteric standards!

With the acquisition of extra Revell Duke of York kit the second Rusland battleship can now be completed sooner rather than later and the planned extra models using the Bismarck set are just that little bit closer to being realised.

1/600th? One day perhaps….;-)


  1. You will remember, I'm sure, the NWS games on board HMS Belfast in 1/600 for the 60th anniversary of North Cape back in 2003? Hmm, I wonder if we shouldn't dust that off for a 70th anniversary event in 2013?

  2. Painful indeed, but I can't fault your logic.

  3. Hi Dave,

    It was very difficult for me to part with the KGV but needs must etc - the 70th anniversary game sounds like a good wheeze and I would love to take part!

    All the best,


  4. Hi Tim,

    Please see the picture added to the post later....;-)

    Live long and prosper,


  5. I am going through the same agony at the moment, but in the end there really is only one choice.

  6. Hi Paul,

    Four sets of 1/1200th kit plus the extra KGV I need - it doesn't get much better although knocking up a 1/600th HMS Warspite would be a treat....sigh....

    All the best,


  7. Hats off to your Vulcan side

    Another plus is the size needed is 'probably' on the more for less space used

    (I don't think I could have done it ... clutter, clutter ... come to me my clutter)

  8. Re: Battle of North Cape

    I remember drooling over the net pictures of the kits, especially the scratch built HMS Jamaica


  9. Hi Geordie,

    I remember the action on HMS Belfast and thinking very much along similar lines re HMS Jamaica (gotta love Colony class cruisers!).

    I will tackle something in 1/600th at some point but at the moment it would take up too much time as much as anything else - time that could be better employed completing models for gaming with!

    All the best,


  10. Hi Geordie,

    Definitely the needs of the many....

    Embracing your inner Vulcan occasionally is always a good idea with this hobby (and its plentiful distractions) of ours!

    All the best,

