Thursday 30 August 2012

What to do, what to do....

Well if they will put a giant meatball on the flight deck what else do they expect....?

So here we are on the 30th of August and I have yet to play a game during the month in the man cave! This despite my avowed intention to play at least two a month. I don't know where the time has gone this month - all I know is that it has and so I am now behind schedule for the year. I was thinking about this state of affairs last night and so came up with a list of game ideas for September (and beyond) which should also see me through into the 'season of mists and mellow fruitfulness'. It looks something like this although the dreaded germ of an idea is already beginning to take hold:

  • Command and Colours Ancients - initially perhaps a couple of the 'official' scenarios
  • Command and Colours Napoleonics - probably something hypothetical
  • Memoir of Battle - something early 20th century - perhaps the Balkan Wars or possibly something rather different....
  • WW2 naval - depends on getting the models painted and if so it will probably be towards the end of the month and is likely to feature the RN and the KM
  • WW2 aerial - probably Battle of Britain based and dependent on painting the models
The WW2 naval stuff has really given me a boost in respect of ideas and despite my intention to avoid tackling the Pacific in any fashion I am finding myself thinking more and more about the same - especially for the period covered by the board game  Flat Top  (1942 but not including Midway). 

I always enjoyed this period of thee Pacific war (and the game) if only because the US navy was not quite the juggernaut it became by 1944 and so the games are very thought provoking in that both sides need to think about how they achieve their objectives.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear....what to do, what to do.....


  1. Hi David,
    If you're asking for suggestions, I would vote for a Memoir of Battle game set in your Balkan Wars -- they are always a good read!

  2. What to do? Why watch the movie "Tora, Tora, Tora" of course.

    -- Jeff

  3. Hi Jeff,

    Believe it or not but I have never seen that film - it is now on my 'to watch' list!

    All the best,


  4. Hi John,

    I am leaning towards the Balkans for a game - especially as I will have the MG blocks ready and am itching to try them out.

    I am pleased that you like to read the reports - I usually have as much fun writing them as I do fighting the action beforehand!

    All the best,


  5. For what it's worth, I have played a couple of C&C ancients games solo recently - the longest took an hour to play...

  6. "Tora, Tora, Tora" doesn't take sides (as most war movies do). It handles the problems of both sides well . . . and if you haven't seen it, you must, sir . . . and soon.

    By the way it was nominated for 5 Oscars, winning one for Special Effects.

    -- Jeff

  7. Hi Tim,

    I am thinking that the ancients will feature first of all as I am itching to get a first game in with the collection - especially after having labelled nigh on 2,000 blocks worth!

    All the best,


  8. Hi Jeff,

    I have added this to my birthday list as well (not for four weeks yet but dropping a few hints early never hurts in my opinion!) and so hope to rectify this glaring omission before too much longer!

    All the best,


  9. Hi Geordie,

    I am sure I have seen this one used as the cover for a Pacific Board game at some point. It appears courtesy of Google Images.

    All the best,

