Sunday 3 February 2013

1:1 Scale Painting and Storage Solutions

One of the joys of being unemployed (and that was written with attempt at irony!) is that one has the opportunity to catch up on a number of DIY jobs around the house. These are all very necessary and comprise the inevitable maintenance and of course, decorating. Since my current bout of joblessness SWMBO and I have been busy and have completed the home office, my daughters bedroom, the en suite in the master bedroom and the downstairs cloakroom. Next week (actually starting today) will see the lounge being decorated - bear in in mind this is a  double or through lounge - which is in effect tackling two rooms.

This will mean that my blog will probably be silent for a few days as I grapple with ceilings, walls and woodwork - in that order - but I should be back on stream later in the week. I shall be answering emails and comments etc but nothing more exciting.

The big plus of this endeavour though is that it has given me a number of ideas for the man cave - not so much for decorating - along the lines of reorganising the storage to be more space efficient. By doing so there will be more floor space so this is something that will receive some attention once the lounge has been finished.

I have also gotten the order sent off to Stonewall Figures for the additional 1/2400th WW1 ships and the replacements for the old models I have will also be under way in due course so the end of the coming week will be an interesting one for sure!


  1. Best of luck with the DIY David and I look forward to seeing the new Stonewall goodies!

    All the best,

  2. Reverting to 1:1 scale modelling is the obligation (and horror) of all married gamers...

  3. Hi Steve,

    Phase 1 was completed without too may dramas although I am aching in places I had forgotten I had! I should point out that I ALWAYS get stuck with the ceiling....

    I am looking forward to the Stonewall kit so that will give me something to look forward to.

    All the best,


  4. Hi Paul,

    I take solace from the fact that the number of brownie point accrued will stand me in good stead for my some future man cave endeavours!

    All the best,


  5. Hi Jim,

    After a day of climbing up and down ladders and balancing precariously whilst painting obscure and never likely to be seen nooks and crannies my elbow is probably the only part of body that is not screaming in righteous indignation!

    I hate painting ceilings, truly I do!

    All the best,

