Tuesday 26 February 2013

Painting and Waiting and Planning

A Bridge Too Far....complete with wretched peasants and optional mightily bored grandchildren....;-)

The Painting Part is the twelve WW1 light cruisers I currently have under the brush for the various 1:2400th fleets I plan to raise. At the moment the models have been under coated, based and the decks have been painted. I am using Humbrol enamels and a white under coat but will be using acrylics for the card base. I have a very nice tube of a shade of blue that is a very close match to the colour of a Hexon tile and whilst this is fine for the Aegean it is a little too blue for the North Atlantic. I am not about to paint Hexon tiles to suit the region of the planet I am gaming so the Azure Blue will have to do (rather poetic that last bit, I thought).

The Waiting Part concerns the Stonewall order which should be with me this week at some point and so the great paint fest can begin in earnest. I am still a little light on early battle cruisers for the fleets though - in fact I do not have any!

The next show for me will be Skirmish on 17/03 at Sidcup Grammar school - this is a great little plastic soldier show and I hope to be able to pick up a few more of the kits and figures I need to kick off the Middle Eastern project. You may be forgiven for thinking that both of the above - Stonewall and Sidcup - refer to the planning part of this blog post's title but this is not the case.

The Planning Part in fact refers to the first game I shall be running in the newly reorganised man cave - in fact the first game I have run this year (and it is nearly March!). Originally I had intended to run a small naval action in order to give my version of Bob Cordery's Portable Naval Wargame a run out but now have something a little more expansive in mind. I am looking at tackling one of the Memoir '44 Overlord sized scenarios but using either Bob's Big Battle Portable Wargame Rules or his Memoir of Battle set (or I could be really off the wall and just use the game rules as they are but with something else in place for the command cards element) with the Memoir '44 kit. I have all of the scenario packs in my collection (I want to get the Breakthrough boards and the equipment pack at some point; together with volume 2 of the campaign book and the Winter Wars pack) and so I am currently looking at either Operation Market Garden or possibly the Tobruk scenario.

I also have something else in mind for a small project but that will have to stay under wraps for a while.


  1. David looking forward to see what you come up with regarding portable naval operations.
    Cheers ... Jeff

  2. Hi Jeff,

    Using a 5ft by 3ft table cannot really be described as portable but using the Heroscape tiles most certainly is.

    Watch this space!

    All the best,

