Friday 22 February 2013

Something for the weekend....

The V-1 Flying Bomb - as featured in the film Operation Crossbow

You see above a picture of my latest acquisition. The V-1 and its rather short launching rail is used as an objective in the latest starter set for Flames of War called Open Fire. My plan for this model (and any others I can get a hold of - ideally I would like 3 of them) is to use them for some Angels 20 anti flying bomb games down the club. The model is rather basic and will merely need tidying up a little, painting and mounting on a flying base to be ready to use.

Mention of Angels 20 brings me round to the planned repaint into Fezian colours of my BF109 Es. These will now be painted in tropical Luftwaffe colours and will form the air support for the Deutsch Asia Korps - the German forces earmarked to support the faltering Turkish invasion of the British Middle Eastern protectorate. The Turks will have to make do with MS 406s to start with. The only problem I have at the moment is the air support for the British. I would really like to be using Gladiators but aside from Old Glory producing a resin version I am not sure you can get one in 15mm. My plan then, is to make use of some Hurricanes and possibly some Brewster Buffaloes.

The new starter set for Angels 20 

Both Mr.Fox and I are hoping that the new starter set and the accompanying booster packs are available at Cavalier in Tonbridge on Sunday. As ever, reports on the new toys will feature on the blog in due course.

I have made a start on the 1:2400th WW1 ships from Stonewall - the main order is being sent out tomorrow so Mark informed me - as I want to road test my naval rules sooner rather than later and of course, this will also feature on the blog. The first batch of models are light cruisers and some destroyers although I am very tempted to tackle the assorted pre-dreadnought era models I have that will be doubling up in the fleets of both Rusland and Fezia. The decision I have to make with these particular models though is whether or not to paint them in their pre-dreadnought plumage or go for the simpler overall grey. I am having a 'heart versus head' dilemma over this although suspect that the head will prevail (much to the disgust of the heart no doubt!). The clincher for this is the fact that the earlier ships will be fighting with WW1 era models as well.

Cavalier at Tonbridge on Sunday I am really looking forward to - it is the first time I have been to the show at the new venue - as it will give me a chance to blow off the seasonal cobwebs, meet up with friends old and new, see some inspiring games and to indulge in some selective retail therapy.

I have a modest war chest amassed and I am not afraid to use it so traders beware!


  1. Check out Jim Jackaman's blog, he's on a V1 project at the moment:

  2. Must admit, the 'Open Fire' set did catch my eye and the plastic 15mm figures in particular; very nice indeed...

  3. Grey on grey is so boring . . . particularly with Pre-Dreads . . . and who (but you) is to say that Rusland and Fezia changed over to grey from earlier colors anyway?

    I suggest that you scope out any naval games being played at the show you are going to . . . perhaps they will aid in your decision-making.

    But whatever you choose, HAVE FUN with it.

    -- Jeff

  4. The V1 looks very nice; I assume that is the FoW model?

    The idea of an anti-V1 game sounds interesting ... but won't you need some Meteors? Your plans for the Turkish Air Force make a lot of sense, and I look forward to seeing the re-painted aircraft.

    All the best,


  5. Hi Steve,

    Thanks for the heads up - I will mosey on over and take a look.

    All the best,


  6. Hi Ray,

    Wouldn't miss it!

    All the best,


  7. Hi Monty,

    They look even better in the flesh (or should that be plastic?). Coupled with all the Plastic Soldier 15mm plastic and the Zvezda models it s a good time to be WW2 in 15mm and plastic!

    All the best,


  8. Hi Mike,

    That is fantastic news! Email me on to discuss details - many thanks in advance!

    All the best,


  9. Hi Jeff,

    I hear you re the colours and am weakening towards 'proper' pre-dreadnought livery....;-)

    Lets see if the show can provide some inspiration!

    All the best,


  10. Hi Fran,

    And you old chap - I am really looking forward to it!

    All the best,


  11. Hi Bob,

    The very same - and it is not a bad little model! I suspect I could source a 15mm Meteor but not just for the moment as the next batch of Angels 20 aircraft has really got the creative juices flowing!

    I am glad you like the sound of the Turkish air force - later in the actual war they were also flying FW190s alongside Spitfires!

    All the best,

