Friday 10 May 2013

Back to the Swampy Bayous....

As promised (and despite a marathon number of essential phone calls in connection with 'unwinding' my unemployed status) I managed to get over to Essex Miniatures today to pick up the last bits and pieces I needed for for the two ACW 15mm armies. The organisation is in place for the set up in that I shall be using that suggested in the book Charge! This means 48 rank and file and officers etc above and beyond for an infantry regiment. I will also be adding a full strength cavalry regiment of 24 troopers plus officers and a gun battery of two pieces and crews. The artillery ratio is a little on the light side so I have added a third two gun battery than can be split or deployed in its entirety as required. I ma also add a two gun battery of rifles in due course. I also have sufficient figures to field the equivalent of a company of dismounted cavalry and one of 'elite' infantry if needed - in effect each army then will be able to field 5 companies of infantry, 3 troops of cavalry and a battery and a half of artillery.

The above organisation also breaks down very neatly into Memoir of Battle or Portable Wargame style set ups and in fact will mean that I will actually have far more than I would ordinarily use but having the choice is no bad thing.

I have a number of suitably serious looking general and staff figures - both mounted and dismounted so the 'brass' will get a good turnout.

All that needs to be done now then is to paint them - and I have a couple of cunning plans concering that particular task.


  1. Sounds like a plan, ACW's a great period to play!

  2. Hi Ray,

    To be honest I was badly turned off the period a number of years ago by a particular set of rules (Johnny Reb - never have a set of rules caused so many arguements!) which is a shame because it has such a lot of potential. My current interest is solely on the back of the river campaign and so for me the acquisition of a pair of armies is essential and I want to fight the combined operations along the 'Great Father of Waters'.

    I have a rather novel idea around painting the armies as well....;-)

    All the best,


  3. Sounds interesting???? I've only ever played one game of Johnny Reb, and that was about 20 years ago. I seem to remember enjoying them, but we then settled on Fire and Fury.

  4. Hi Ray,

    That was about the last time I played them as well! I now have a copy of Fire and Fury and they look really good - the guys at the club swear by them - and so will be added to the small accumulation of ACW rules I have.

    All the best,


  5. Sounds good, when do you start work?

  6. Hi Fran,

    Wednesday 15th is the start date so getting another project organised in the meantime is probably not a great idea - but I wouldn't have in any other way!

    All the best,

