Saturday 18 May 2013

Give Aways - the Gift that keeps on Giving!

That incredibly generous, gifted, witty and all round good girl, Tamsin P over at Wargaming Girl is giving away, via her prize draws assorted hobby related goodies so - you have gotta be in it to win it!

Well done Tamsin and I would like to publicly apologise for not following you sooner!

(Grovelling earnestly....;-)


  1. To be honest, I hadn't spotted you weren't following, so no need to apologise!

    Thanks for the pimp-out! :)

  2. Hi Tamsin,

    As a rule I always try and follow a blog if somebody is kind enough to be following my ramblings - I am really surprised that I missed you off my list and it has got me thinking about those other blogs I may be missing out on!

    Are you going to Broadside?

    All the best,


  3. I follow you, do you follow me ;-)

    Tamsins givaway is great isnt it!

  4. Hi Carl,

    I wasn't - but I am now and I really liked the Jason figures! I have been quite tempted by the rules myself as I am quite fond of Hollywood mythology.

    Tamsin's give away is truly generous!

    All the best,


  5. Hi Carl,

    No problem - and apologies for not following you sooner!

    All the best,

