Saturday 22 June 2013

Chaco, Jutland and a flight of US Navy Wildcats....

As usual work has been very busy and so this is the first chance I have had to write a post for a few days. This week has seen the arrival of some bits and pieces for the ongoing project selection including, from our friends at Peter Pig, five packs of 40mm square plastic bases and a special pack of 8 x 81mm WW2 German mortars without the crews - these will replace the Irregular Miniatures versions I have for the Chaco set as they are far less fiddly and are more wargames friendly. The bases will be sued for this set up as the armies will be organised a la Megablitz. I have a cunning plan around using these for Portable or Memoir-type games as well, all will be revealed in due course.

I also took delivery of four Grumman Wildcats from the Axis and Allies aerial wargame. These are 15mm and are currently in US navy colours but I shall be repainting them into Fleet Air Arm plumage in due course. These will be featuring in my planned Middle Eastern project.

My WW1 1/2400th ships are still en route and so this weekend I shall be chopping out bases in advance of the delivery - especially as for the foreseeable future my only hobby time will be the weekends. The rules are virtually ready though and I hope to have written these up over the weekend.

Busy, busy, busy....


  1. David,

    It sounds as if you have quite a lot of projects on the go at once ... and that should keep you non-working time full for the foreseeable future.

    I am looking forward to seeing how they all pan out over the coming months.

    All the best,


  2. Hi Bob,

    Work has meant that I will have to be fairly ruthless about how I spend my time and so planning what I am going to do and when I am going to do it now very important. The naval stuff (and we are talking about 150 or so models here) is at the stage where the bases are cut, the name labels prepared and the flags are waiting to be copped up. Everything I have on site is cleaned up so once the last of the order arrives I can spend some time cleaning up before basing and undercoating.

    The following weekend sees the painting although I am hoping to be able to squeeze in basic drybrushing at odd moments during the week if possible. The detail work will have to be at the weekend though.

    I want have the whole finished by the end of July.

    Chaco will follow and then the ancient galleys for a change.

    Busy, busy, busy....;-)

    All the best,

