Thursday 27 June 2013

The Good News....and the Not So Good News....

The Good News....

I have sourced half a dozen Zis trucks from Zvezda in 15mm. My good friend across many a stricken field, Chris Hardman, has kindly donated the six I needed which is really good news. My order from Stonewall arrived with the additional destroyers and shipping I need to complete the first phase of my WW1 naval set up. The last piece of news was that I managed to get to the club last night and took part in a most excellent Portable Naval Wargame (the pre dreadnought version) by Bob Cordery, organised by the redoubtable Mr Fox - who supplied the toys (more of which later) and using his rather splendid newly hexed blue cloth which will also see service with out games of WW2 aerial combat.

Whilst Mr Fox donned his customary umpires hat it was down to Mr. Fosker and myself to take to the high seas using Austrians and Italians with yours truly driving the latter. It was great action (perhaps with rather more ships than may have been prudent) being fast in execution, challenging and above all - fun. Mr Fox took some pictures of the key points of the affair which I will post in due course. That worryingly fickle mistress, Dame Fortune, seemed to favour the suave and debonair sartorially inspired Italians rather more than the bluff yeoman of the Tyrol and so for the record, the Italians exacted a considerable measure of revenge for Lissa, 1866! Thanks as ever to Mr Fox for laying it on and to Mr Fosker for taking part. The game was gratifying in that it was nice to see that just occasionally somebody could roll dice that were considerably more miserable than mine have been of late!

The Not So Good News....

My Stonewall order was incorrect as a couple of things were missing. A swift email to them followed and the final tranche is now on its way. Frustrating all the same though, but hopefully with a happy ending soon.


  1. The "bad news" was not really all that bad. I was imagining a number of things that would have been far far worse.

    While inconvenient, it is easily corrected and not really "bad". As they say, "no harm, no foul".

    -- Jeff

  2. Hi Jeff,

    It was more frustrating than anything but as you rightly say, "no harm, no foul".

    All the best,

