Saturday 21 September 2013

End of an era - or the start of a new one?

I have been spending some time today sorting out the man cave and have decided that I am going to forego anything smaller than 20mm for my gaming. So my 15mm unpainted lead mountain is now surplus to requirements and some of it has found a home already! The ACW kit is next and I have already taken advantage of the free listing weekend on Ebay to stick the whole lot there.

What does this mean going forward then? Well, the short answer is I am not really sure! Many of my games are happily catered for using the famous block armies but even I am not so soulless that I would forego using models entirely. The cheap plastic 42/45mm figures will certainly provide me with much to mess about with for 20th century games and from what I have seen even other periods could be tackled quite cheaply if one is not too fussed about detail and quality.

A subtle change perhaps?

Who knows - but something is beginning to itch.


  1. Throwing stuff out is an alien concept to me ... the nearest I came was trading a small 10mm ECW collection (I tried painting them but decided I preferred painting the 25/28mm ones) for some late-war 1/300 WW2 Germans; So technically I consolidated in one period to massively scale creep in another ... which somehow seems acceptable as entropy was maintained

  2. David,

    It sounds like a good plan, and by creating generic forces it will give you lots of flexibility when it comes to all sorts of choices (e.g rules, tabletop or garden, period).

    All the best,


  3. Hi Hipshot,

    The item number is:


    All the best,


  4. Hi Bob,

    That is the plan! I realised that using 15mm would probably cause an unnecessary dilution of resources so I abandoned it in favour of the large models. I would use 28/30mm - possibly even 20mm but for anything smaller the blocks will come into their own.

    All the best,


  5. Hi Geordie,

    I very rarely throw stuff out - the usual fate is to be recycled i.e. the funds raised are reinvested into existing projects....;-)

    All the best,


  6. David,

    I know at one time you had Peter Laings (I bought a lot from you on Ebay). Do you have any that you are selling? I would be interested in them.

    Thank you, John

  7. DC
    Good luck with this plan!
    I chucked some old Rafm spare parts for the Greek armies I thought I'd never revisit. Within 3 months I was looking for them.


  8. Hi John,

    Good to hear from you! I no langer have anyy other Peter Laing 15mms but I still have those you sent me - which if you email me your address I will return.

    It was a good idea while it lasted but I have had to be quite ruthless in what I want to do and how I want to do it.

    My email is

    All the best,


  9. Hi Peter,

    I have had to be quite ruthless for a number of reasons but the end result does give me some kind of clarity of purpose.


    All the best,

