Thursday 14 November 2013

Speeding up a slower pace

Since I have been fortunate enough to be back in the workplace and in a job I am enjoying my hobby related time has been pared back to the bone. This situation is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future and so a fairly drastic rethink has been needed about what I can and cannot do in the short term. My grandiose project list has taken a battering and any kind of schedule has been completely derailed.

To be honest, I found this to be quite demotivating.

I have therefore taken the decision to space out my projects and ideas - actually more like abandon them in the format envisaged - and tackle things on a 'little and often' basis. My ideal would be to only undertake those things that I could realistically get completed over a weekend so in my case that means that any painting will be very small scale. If I plan a game for a weekend then the paintbrush may not even see the light of day.

I really enjoy my solo games and find the whole process of thinking about a scenario, organising the forces, creating a terrain to fight over, playing the game and writing about it afterwards to be enormously relaxing and so my focus will be on these for a while. For the umpteenth time I am so glad I persevered with the block armies for without them I am not sure what I would be able to get done in the limited time I seem to have.

In fact, the block armies will be getting a minor tweak as I want to add some additional unit types - more of which later.


  1. Like a good campaign, a small project which you complete is much more satisfying than a massive enterprise which you abandon. Just enjoy what you can matey!

  2. Glad you are finding the block armies are serving you well.I look forward to seeing the tweaks.
    I can understand the sense of demotivation you are feeling and hope this will pass soon.
    Best wishes

  3. "I really enjoy my solo games and find the whole process of thinking about a scenario, organising the forces, creating a terrain to fight over, playing the game and writing about it afterwards to be enormously relaxing and so my focus will be on these for a while."

    I will be stealing this. We are so busy I haven't been to the club in nearly a year and that is not likely to change. I have been thinking in terms of paint it all then figure out what to play but approach of figure out what to play then paint makes a lot more sense.

  4. Hi Paul,

    I am certainly thinking along those lines. Thinking up small 'weekend' projects is an interesting experience in itself. and I already have some in mind.

    All the best,


  5. Hi Trad,

    I think it was a combination of realising that some of my projects are quite large anyway and that with the limited time available I now have seemed even larger and more daunting. I need to tackle things in bite sized chunks for the time being. I hope to formalise the block tweaks very shortly and of course, will post the outcome accordingly.

    All the best,


  6. Hi Pat,

    The intensity of my work has caught me a little by surprise so a rethink about what I do and how I do it was needed. Using my block armies and some thought on what I want to do means I certainly wont lack for variety in terms of my gaming - which is an important consideration for me.

    All the best,

