Sunday 30 March 2014

Ideas of a Mysterious Nature

It has been a funny couple of days. I have been able to spend some quality time in the man cave, sorting through a few things - and it has given me much to think about. I have a hankering to get some figure painting tackled but as I am currently undecided what direction I should head in have decided against spending vast amounts of cash on what may eventually turn into a whim. I have been caught out by this in  the past so a degree of care is needed to ensure that my fickle attention span is not overly challenged.

Whilst rummaging through assorted boxes I came across a number of items acquired at various points - all of which seemed like a good idea at the time - that have given me a good idea or two. I found myself asking - 'why not finish these models and figures before you move on to something new?'

Why indeed.

For some reason - perhaps I am mellowing in my old age - this seemed like a very good idea and whilst it is certainly not my usual method of operating I have decided that there is something in this. the two 'projects' need very little spent on them in order to be at the ideal size and I am thinking they should not take a huge amount of time either - especially one of them. I should point out that neither of these have featured at any point in the past on the blog in the form I intend realising them and in both cases I already have the rules organised.

So what are they?

What indeed.

I do not want to sound enigmatic nor in anyway mysterious but I am not rolling these two out into the public domain just yet - for the simple reason they both involve me painting in a scale I have not yet attempted. I want to see how they turn out first of all. I should also add though, that should this experiment prove successful the potential for me going forward is very significant.


  1. Intriguing ,all the best with it.I look forward to seeing/hearing how you get on...

  2. Hi Trad,

    It is very much in the nature of an experiment but should I get the desired effect then it will open up a lot pf possibilities for me.

    All the best,


  3. Come on! The suspense is killing me!

  4. Hi Tim,

    The test samples are underway so all will be revealed (including pictures) a little later. It is no big deal but I wanted to be sure the scale was going to work for me first of all - before getting caught up in readying armies and such like.

    All the best,


  5. "Why not finish these models and figures before you move on to something new?"

    Why not, indeed.

    David, I guess the upside of our mutual approach is that when the cycle of enthusiasm eventually circles back around to painting a certain subject matter, we'll always have figures waiting. Provided we remember where we stored them, of course. ;-)


  6. Hi Paul,

    All will be revealed in due course - I just have a couple of things to tackle first and assuming all is well the 'secret' will be out pretty soon.

    Loved the Drop Bears!

    All the best,


  7. Hi Corporal Trim,

    Ain't that the truth! My cycles of enthusiasm come and go with dizzying speed so I am learning (at last) to finally apply the brakes a little!

    All the best,


  8. Is it 6mm?! All my own stuff is 6mil....or maybe 2mil?!......or perhaps its 40mm...enquiring (ie nosey and impatient) minds want to know.

  9. Hi Andy,

    2, 6 or 40mm - you may think so, I couldn't possibly comment....;-)

    All the best,

