Sunday 25 May 2014

A Funny and Thoughtful Old Weekend

Funny as in I was not able to get anything done that I planned to but I did manage to get some things tackled that I was not expecting to...

We had nothing specific planned for the weekend (with the exception of tomorrow so I was hoping to get some more work done on the 1/2400th scale ships. Sadly this was not to be but by way of compensation SWMBO and I were able to get to our local boot sale where the two titles above were acquired - each of which costed the paltry sum of 50p making my expenditure the princely amount of £1!

One for sheer inspiration value!

Redcoats and Richard Holmes need no introduction from me and so his overview of the period of the Red-coated British Soldier is a welcome addition to the library. The much maligned, usually despised but incomparable British 'other rank' forms the subject matter of the title - from the taking of the King's shilling, barrack life, active service, punishment and life under the colours. This is one I shall savour.

Something for a possible project in due course - I have always fancied using an Arab Conquest army ever since WRG 6th edition. As I recall you could field the entire army as Irregular A fanatics with the morale advantage of a sacred banner!

In the Shadow of the Sword by Tom Holland is another kettle of fish entirely. The book provides an overview of the 'end of the ancient world' - more specifically the years following the withering of the Roman Empire (in the West) and the aftermath of the early Arab conquests. It is not a military history as such although naturally this features during those turbulent years. I have long been interested in the Arab Conquest so this will provide a welcome backdrop to the period.

The only other things of note this weekend is that I have decided to paint my 6 ft by 4 ft folding gaming table in the same shade as that which I am using for my 1/2400 th models - cobalt turquoise. It will not be gridded though. I have also come to a decision about the rules I shall be using as well....;-)

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