Tuesday 3 June 2014

The State of the Union Address

The last of the German capital ships for the WW1 1/2400th scale are currently under the brush and I am planning on having these completed for Saturday. Sunday will then see me tackling the last of the Royal Navy for the current phase. Between the two sides there are 12 ships to paint with the 13th being the Goeben for the Turks. Panzerschiffe produce a number of models for the Turkish navy so I shall be adding these with my next order - possibly with some Black Sea Russians. In the fullness of time I will tackle some of the Mediterranean navies but there is no hurry at present.

The big news though is that due to a rather happy circumstance - which I shall unveil on Sunday - I will not be attending Broadside this year. I am really disappointed by this but the reason I am missing it will more than make up for it.

This will be, to (mis) quote E.E. 'Doc' Smith - awesomely awesome in its awesomeness....;-)


  1. You seem to be in a naval sweet spot :)

    Missing a wargame show but not caring .. intriguing

  2. Hi Geordie,

    To tell the truth I have not had so much fun in ages as I am tackling this lot.

    The intrigue will be satisfied on Sunday - and probably over the following week as well. I will have to be disciplined though as I still want to get the ships finished as a priority.

    All the best,


  3. Hi Trad,

    All will be revealed very soon and trust me, it will be worth the wait!

    All the best,


  4. Hi Simon,

    For me this will be just about the biggest deal ever - so watch this space!

    All the best,


  5. Your ships always look fantastic.

    Sorry we will not see you at Broadside.

    Andy & Lorraine (Pilum Painting)

  6. Hi Andy,

    Many thanks old chap and coming from your good self that is praise indeed!

    I am sorry not to be going BUT I have a very good reason - for which see the next post....;-)

    All the best,

