Tuesday 22 July 2014

New Additions

The Deutschland class and friends in line ahead. At Jutland the class and S.M.S. Hessen of the preceding Braunschweig class formed the 2nd battle squadron. Two fo the Deutschlands - Schlesien and Schleswig-Holstein - were modernised and served in WW2

I arrived home yesterday evening to a small cardboard box postmarked from the USA. The parcel contained my latest order from Panzerschiffe and consisted of the last of the capital ships I need from them to complete that category of ship for my WW1 1/2400th scale Jutland project. The parcel contained the following models:
  • H.M.S. Neptune
  • H.M.S. Canada - this is a particularly nice clean casting
  • H.M.S. Indefatigable
  • H.M.S. Invincible
  • 5 x S.M.S. Deutschland
  • S.M.S. Braunschweig
  • S.M.S. Blucher
  • 2 x S.M.S. Scharnhorst
The last three models on the list are to replace the Stonewall metal versions which are really poor quality - especially the Scharhorst which is almost totally devoid of any surface detailing.

I hope to post some pictures of these in the bare resin so to speak at some point and I am hoping to start the painting as soon as the last of the metal models arrive from Stonewall Miniatures. The final ships from them are a pair of Orion class battleships and the remaining two Queen Elizabeth class.

I am pretty impressed with the service from Panzerschiffe as this batch took only around some 8 days to reach me although I will need to go back to them as one of the Deutschland class was missing a funnel - it had snapped off the model. Luckily it was in the bag the models were packed so a quick drop of super glue and all was well.


  1. david,
    The project seems to be well in hand and going forward at "flank speed." Which rules set have you finally determined to use? Also, harkening back to an earlier conversation, how are you going to handle the question of destroyer flotillas and light cruiser formations?
    A/K/A The Celtic Curmudgeon
    "Grumpy is good."

  2. Hi Jerry,

    The whole rules thing is still in the air (and is likely to remain so for a while) as is the Light cruiser/destroyer basing issue. I have plenty of time to ponder this and more than a few ideas to experiment with.

    Details to follow in due course.

    All the best,


  3. :)

    Keep going David
    You are making me feel nautical again :)

  4. Hi Geordie,

    I have a long way to go onthis particular journey but it is moving in the right direction.

    I am really enjoying working in the larger scale (larger than 1/3000th anyway) and shall atart on the remaining capital ships this weekend.

    All the best,


  5. Good luck with this truly mammoth project. I will watch with interest.

  6. Hi Sean,

    Thankyou kindly old chap! Much progress has been made but there is still a long way to go - at least I have given myself plenty of time though!

    All the best,

