Friday 8 August 2014

Arabs and Artillery

The picture above was of the figures I received from Bob - he had very kindly sent me this so I could see what the models were like. Note the double-barrelled 77mm field gun sans the trail on the left - now happily rectified.

Well talk about outstanding customer service! You will recall from my last post that I had met with Bob Cordery on Tuesday and collected via our exchange a couple of bags of B and B Miniatures Arab tribesmen and three German 77mm field guns - one of which was missing the trail but had doubled up on the gun barrel. I contacted B and B  on Wednesdayto place a small order and asked if it was possible to get a replacement trail - which I was more than happy to pay for.

This was agreed (and gratis I might add) and so imagine my surprise when I got home this evening - two days after placing the order - to receive not only the pack of Arabs but two trails, two gunshields and two pairs of wheels. Absolutely first class service and so now I have four complete 77mm field guns.

I am really pleased with this and am now casting covetous eyes over the WW1 East African range. At this rate I will soon be joining the big boy's club with my very own unpainted lead mountain!


  1. Sounds like the beginnings of a fine project!

  2. Hi Archduke,

    More of an expansion to an existing set up if I am honest. The Middle Eastern collection has a rather modest artillery park so these will make a welcome addition. The Arabs are the foot element to go with the 30 odd cavalry and camelry.

    The Sanusi add is really the newest part - and it gives me a good excuse to get some Rolls Royce armoured cars!

    All the best,


  3. Hi Ray,

    Watch this space as they say!

    All the best,


  4. Hi Stu,

    Actually I am now better off by one complete gun - I now have four rather than 2 and a bit!

    All the best,

