Saturday 11 October 2014

4, 3, 2....The Devil May Care

My word how time flies! Since my last post on 28/09 a few things have been on the go but it has been largely underwhelming on the gaming front - much planning and thinking of great thoughts has been the order of the day - with little else to show for it.

Not a bad read - although even for me it is a little cliche-ridden!

I have been extensively gaming albeit in a rather unusual fashion. One of the chaps at the office introduced me to a very good Chess 'app' - Chess with Friends by Zynga - and I have been playing him relentlessly for some time now. I expect most gamers have (or are still playing) played Chess at some point and there are obvious war game connections. It as been challenging and a good work out for the grey matter - so much so that I dusted off a couple of Chess books I have in the collection - so in the absence of a wargame will suffice for my gaming fix for the time being.

I allowed myself the luxury of reading Sebastien Faulks James Bond novel - Devil May Care - and have to say that whilst I enjoyed it (being a huge Bond fan) it did seem to almost catalogue elements of every Bond story written - even using much of the same phraseology - which did grate after a while. It is a good story though and I would recommend it.

The '4, 3, 2' of the title is a reference to the way I shall be organising my 10/12mm collections and represents the ratio of foot to horse to guns I shall be using. I have opted to use 4 bases for infantry, 3 for cavalry and 2 for artillery - which is of course the system in use for pretty much all the Command and Colours system.

I have also been thinking about my ancients 'fix'. If you recall I posted on many occasions about the Greek and Persian war - culminating in Salamis as the naval option. Whilst I like the idea to tackling the armies using figures it is becoming less likely that I will. I have a couple of ideas in mind - the second Punic War for one - but I am having some serious thoughts about the wars of the late Roman Republic - the century leading up to AD. The reasons are compelling - multiple opponents ranging from the usual Celtic and Germanic hordes via Eastern armies and a whole host in between, not to mention the civil war(s). As ever, 10/12mm will be the scale of choice.

I have been pondering the whole Lion Rampant/Cross and Crescent idea and am looking to the El Cid period although the Perry late medieval plastic look really nice....;-)

No progress on the ships sadly although I have all that I need from the capital ship perspective. Time and enthusiasm have been a premium recently but I shall persevere.


  1. I'm having the same thoughts on Lion Rampant armies too. Perry plastics would be sensible but then I've always wanted to do El Cid!

  2. Hi Legatus,

    The Hat range of 28mm hard plastic figures for the period is pretty good and when complete will cover the three main army combinations. Whilst not as detailed as the Perry offerings they are cheaper and would paint up very nicely. At around £8.50 for a box of 32 infantry that is hard to beat!

    All the best,


  3. Hey Dave, I saw your post back in august about a ww2 rule set called krieg ohne hass. I have had no luck finding these listed anywhere, let alone for sale. I would appreciate any help on getting leads as to where I can buy a set.

    Chris Christ

  4. Hi Chris,

    Like you I have struggled to find this rule set anywhere but the introduction does have the following email address you may wish to try -

    All the best and good luck - if you have any problems let me know how you get on.


    1. Thanks Dave, thats the best lead so far. I will send an inquiry. I will let u know if I get anywhere with that.

      Thanks again

  5. Hi Chris,

    Good luck with your search!

    All the best,

