Saturday 8 November 2014

H.M.S. Agincourt - The Big Battleship

H.M.S. Agincourt - in 1/350th scale. Very impressive indeed!

I happened to be reading Bob Cordery's blog Wargames Miscellany earlier when I was reminded of a book I read many years ago by Richard Hough - The Big Battleship. The book was the story of the only battleship ever built with seven main turrets housing 14 x 12" guns. I had forgotten about this book so Bob's post was a welcome reminder - and needless to say it is on the 'to get' list.

Coincidentally the ship is currently on the painting tray along with seven other models as the penultimate batch of ships for the Royal Navy comes to a close.

She had an interesting career and no mistake as she was originally ordered by Brazil and then taken over by Turkey - only to be requisitioned by the Royal Navy at the outbreak of the Great War. The RN were less than impressed by the ship for a number of reasons and the model shown depicts her after the great flying bridge over the two turrets amidships was removed.

I remember commanding her in a game using Fletcher Pratt many years ago - and sinking an unfortunate destroyer with 14 x 12" 'all in' - in other words every shot was set to the same range. I was aiming at a battleship a little further away but had underestimated the range....

Whilst the 1/2400th version I am painting will not look as impressive it is still a bonkers looking battleship and one I am fond of - especially because of the Turkish connection.


  1. I actually scratch-built HMS Agincourt for Eric Knowles, so that means that you commanded a ship that I built!

    All the best,


  2. Hi Bob,

    How spooky is that? The game was fought in the cellar of the New Model Army in Manor Park and was based on the action in which the Goeben fought the Russian pre dreadnoughts in the Black Sea. It was to try out the Agincourt.

    Small world eh?

    All the best,


  3. Hi Geordie.

    It certainly caught my eye!

    All the best,


  4. Hi Stu,

    The destroyer fortunately belonged to the opposition!

    All the best,


  5. Hi Stu,

    I remembered reading the book ages ago so will try and grab a copy from somewhere.

    All the best,


  6. You omitted to mention the two changes of bathroom furniture to squat loos and back again :O)

    Regards, Chris.

    (Who is always ready with an irrelevant factoid)

  7. Hi Chris,

    Absolutely right! Many thanks for the reminder - as I recall the ship was very well appointed in respect of the standard of officer's accommodation as well.

    Kind regards,

