Saturday 27 December 2014

Christmas greetings to one and all!

I can only apologise for being somewhat tardy in extending seasonal greetings to one and all - I can offer no excuses other than I have been enjoying the family celebrations! I shall draft a fuller post tomorrow evening with some pictures etc but suffice it to say the bluff and hearty redcoated chap was very much on point in terms of the present haul. As usual it has presented me with a number of project dilemmas but I am sure you know me well enough by now to know that I am never easily swayed from my charted course or each careful step along the byway.....

The only thing I can readily confess to is redicovering my 1815 Waterloo campaign mojo - probably just as well given the impending bicentenary.

Needless to say I have a cunning plan.

I have also renewed my acquaintance with Charge! My Messrs. Young and Lawford with a view to something rather radical for the new year.

More to follow in due course....


  1. An excuse is not necessary or expected, but it was a good one anyway! Glad you and the family had a great Christmas

    Gaming dilemmas? You? Unheard of?

  2. A Merry Christmas to you and yours , Tony

  3. Hi Paul,

    I am considering adding 'Dilemma' as a middle name - I certainly seem well able to be easily distracted!

    All the best for 2015,


  4. Hi Tony,

    ...and to you and yours old chap!

    All the best for 2015,


  5. Hi Stu Rat,

    You may think that....but I couldn't possibly comment....

    All the best for 2015,

