Tuesday 6 January 2015

12 Days Late....

Along with many other things blog related towards the end of the year I manged to miss out on posting details of the seasonal haul. To be accurate some of the items were acquired after the day but as they came about due to Christmas presents of one kind or another they will still be included so without further ado....

Turkish delight to be sure - and certainly hugely inspirational

I have the hardback version to add to the Waterloo section of the library - it is a cracking read.

Delighted to have this Blu Ray and thoroughly enjoyed the film. A different take to be sure but great fun to watch.

As was this - BC was suitably imposing as Khan and the story was outstanding - roll on the next one!

One of my favourite films and with that haunting soundtrack.

Ill met by moonlight - the story of the kidnap of a German general from occupied Crete - I know the story but this fleshes it out somewhat and my interst in anything Greek island related is well known...

This is really good overview of the whole alpine region during the war and the various plans afoot concerning Switzerland and the 'alpine redoubt' idea. For me, inspired by Where Eagles Dare this was a no brainer....

Finally (and with a nod to Conrad Kinch) a detailed account of the fighting for the Vercors region of France in 1944. The Maquis versus the Wehrmacht.

It was a pretty impressive haul and the books were certainly very much appreciated (rather the gift card was for the last title I should say). I am very partial to the idea of small scale WW2 gaming using partisans/resistance or SOE types - even special forces etc so this is a diversion I may explore in time - it certainly should be cheap enough to tackle anyway!