Monday 26 January 2015

Closing in on the big finish....Part 2

The remaining dreadnoughts for the German High Seas Fleet for the Jutland 2016 project have been painted and varnished with just the bases to complete. The six pre dreadnoughts of the 2nd battle Squadron roughly halfway there so should be ready for the weekend all being well. If I am honest they seem to have come up a little darker than I would have liked but this is nothing that some careful additional dry brushing should put it right should I decide to do so. I worked on a basic rule of thumb that German ships should be a lighter grey than their RN counterparts and by and large this is noticeable but this final batch do seem a little darker. Still, no two ships, even if painted the same, would weather at the same rate so a little variation in colour can be allowed for!

In any event I have no plans to repaint them....;-)


  1. David,

    You seem to have had a very productive time, and have made a lot of progress towards completing this tranche of your Jutland project. I look forward to seeing the finished battle squadrons of the High Seas Fleet.

    All the best,


  2. No doubt we'll see them in action soon. Perhaps some preliminary actions, such as Dogger Bank...?

  3. Hi Bob,

    I am hugely relieved to have made it to this point and am looking forward to the fleet review at the weekend (hopefully). The rest of the painting (cruisers and destroyers) will be more a case of quantity over quality!

    All the best,


  4. Hi Archduke,

    I shall be running a number of play tests in due course and Dogger Bank is one to consider. I have a Panzerschiffe Blucher which would not take long to paint up so the material for the main protagonists is in hand.

    One to ponder methinks.

    All the best,

