Monday 21 September 2015

The Start of a Big Adventure


                            Holly and her mum - the two women in my life - sharing a moment. I was at                  that "....gonna need a moment alone boys" stage by this point......

It was a busy day at Chez Crook on Friday 18/09. That was the day that my brilliant and beautiful daughter Holly moved to Reading University to start her four year combined Honours degree in Fine Art and Psychology. She has worked really hard to get to where she is and has had to overcome a number of personal challenges as well (and no, that does not include being my daughter....). We stopped for lunch at a Beefeater restaurant - I had no idea they were still going - which is where I took the above picture of Holly and her mum. I don't mind admitting there were a few tears but she seems to have quickly adjusted to student life - in a good way as well.

I am so proud of her.


  1. Congratulations mate, a great achievement fro Holly only mad possible by all the love and support you have given her over the years.

    I have to do the same thing next Feb when my daughter goes off to her University too...

  2. Hi Paul,

    It was a long and tiring day and very emotional for all concerned. I still have difficulty getting my head around the fact that Holly will be 20 in December as it only seems like yesterday she was collecting Koala Bears and Pokemon cards.....

    Good luck in February when it is your turn!

    All the best,


  3. A great day indeed and best wishes/congratulations to all.
    My youngest went off to Uni for the first time about two weeks ago so I know some of what you are feeling.

  4. Best of luck to you all. Big changes even happy ones are always difficult.

  5. Hi Alan,

    The house seems so quiet and larger somehow - and Holly was not a noisy person by any means! She is settling in well so it is just us that appear to be at a loose end!

    All the best,


  6. Hi Mr Kinch,

    You are so right about that!

    All the best,


  7. Good luck Holly, you'll have a blast!

  8. From the comments we all seem to be of an age.. my youngest will be going in a year or so too... funnily enough Reading is also in her sights


  9. :)

    Well done and I hope she has a great time
