Tuesday 16 October 2018

Coastal Combat in WW2

"I can resist anything except temptation"

By now I expect that many naval gamers would have seen the forthcoming game of coastal combat in WW2 called Cruel Seas by Warlord and due for release in December this year. Of particular interest is the scale that Warlord have opted to use for the models – 1:300th. This kind of flies in the face of accepted (Accepted? Accepted by whom?) wisdom whereby most gamers of this genre tend to use 1:600th or 1:700th , possibly even 1:1200th. To the best of my knowledge the only source of models in 1:300th scale would be Navwar - as I recall they had a small range of ships available although I stand to be corrected. There are of course a number of full hull kits of warships in 1:350th which could be used without too much difficulty.

German S Boats - known as E (Enemy) Boats. There are two versions on a sprue and I believe the base game will include two sprues of Germans and three sprues of British for ten models in all. the provisional price is £50 for the starter set.

The plastic models that come with the game look very nice indeed - Warlord were giving some test sprues away on a recent games day - and I shall certainly be taking a closer look at this in due course. Coastal naval combat between torpedo boats and similar is something I have long had an interest in but aside from playing an old Micro Game called MTB in the late 1970s I have never really done much about it. I know there are many good sets of rules around for the genre as well as a nice supply of available kit in the aforementioned scales so I have no real excuse for not tackling it other than sheer lethargy.

Warlord have promised models for other navies in due course and there will be a goodly variety of types large and small with resin being mentioned as the preferred choice for hulls etc, presumably with metal fixtures and fittings. The choice of 1:300th as a scale would have the advantage that there is an awful lot of material available in terms of terrain, aircraft, land forces etc that could be used alongside the ships.

For my part the first thing that sprung to mind with this would be the Mediterranean so I shall incorporate some reading about this facet of naval warfare in readiness for the release of the game in early December. I will also reacquaint myself with the works of Mr David Manley, naval rule writer and all round good guy – if it floats and fights the chances are he has either gamed it or written a rule set for it, probably both!


  1. I thought this looked interesting but I think they've missed a trick not doing it in 1/600 or 1/700.

  2. It's on my Xmas list surprise, surprise ;)
    I just have to find out if I have been a good boy this year

  3. Hi Jim,

    It is an odd choice for sure but seeing as I do not have anything in that scale I am not unduly worried. Whilst I am interested in coastal combat - certainly enough to want to game it - I reckon that my own needs will be pretty modest in terms of models so the started set and a few add ons should suffice. I am used to having to furnish both sides anyway! I am thinking that merchantmen could be dual nationality anyway.

    We shall see in due course.

    All the best,


  4. Hi Geordie,

    Unfortunately the gaming category of my Xmas list has been taken up with Spencer Smiths so I shall have to fund this from my own resources.

    At least that way I will not have to worry about whether I have been good or not!

    All the best,


  5. You will be mildly unsurprised that this has also tweaked my interest :-)

  6. I'm guessing that most MTBs would be in the 75' to 100' range giving a 3" to 4" model size. Is there a release date? My temptation meter has pegged at wide eyed and sweaty palms.

  7. G'day Paul,

    I just knew you would looking at this with your usual detached and objective demeanour....

    The time for temptation has long passed for sure with this - I can't wait to see it!

    All the best,


  8. Hi William,

    Early December is the release so your sweaty palms will not have too long to wait! I believe it will be £50 for the starter set which has 10 models in it and yes you are right about the sizes.

    I am VERY excited about this!

    All the best,


  9. Have you any idea what the ten boats are?

  10. Hi Geordie,

    I believe there will be 5 sprues each of two boats, three British and two German. Each sprue has two variants so effectively there are 4 types. I hope that helps.

    All the best,


  11. I see pre-orders will be open in just over a day...

    Other stuff I have determined:
    Italians and Russians released next year (enabling the Med and, gasp, my favourite arena - The Black Sea!)
    Future options for submarines
    bigger 1/350 ships will work fine with the 1/300 mosquito fleets
    I will be probably be a lot poorer because of this game
    That is all...

  12. Hi Paul,

    I hear you on that one old chap!

    I am already thinking about what I can sell to raise funds!

    All the best,


  13. It doesn't appear that there are any crew on the sprues. I wonder if there are any 1/300 or 5/6mm figures that could be used for crew?

  14. Hi William,

    I must confess that I had not considered this. My first thoughts would be either Heroics and Ros or possibly Irregular Miniatures although the latter tends to be on multi figures bases.

    Heroics and Ros sell gun crews which could be used and I am almost certain that you can get 1:350th scale crew figures designed for warships models but I have no details.

    Something else to think about then!

    All the best,

